Copyrights mean a lot to us. If you do not own the rights to a photo, please do not post it on 2busy2mingle. They are not allowed.
We do not tolerate illegal activities on 2busy2mingle. It will result in you being deleted and banned from using the site.
2busy2mingle is not a platform for selling things or demanding money. If you try to use it as a marketplace or as an escort, you’ll be deleted and banned from using the platform.
2busy2mingle is strictly for 18+ years. We don't allow kids to be alone in pictures. They must be clothed.
We use a combination of an automated system and a team of moderators to monitor and review accounts and messages for content that indicates breaches of these Guidelines and our Terms and Conditions. Disobeying the guidelines attracts a warning, and you may risk losing your account. These guidelines are to make 2busy2mingle a professional, friendly, and safe place for all users.
To increase your chances of meeting people and engaging in healthy conversations, we advise that you are yourself. Originality is vital. Avoid copying and posting the same messages to everyone. We ask that you learn about the interests of other members and read their profiles before sending messages. Members must send appropriate messages to people they engage with on the platform.
Remember, originality is vital. Be yourself. Do not post pictures that are not yours. Be sure the picture you post has a resemblance to your verification picture.
Please, kindly respect other beliefs, interests, and ways of life because we are a diverse community of different people. 2busy2mingle is opposed to hate speech, bullying, abusive and rude behavior. Your behavior on 2busy2mingle should reflect your true self when you meet people in person. We expect all our members to be rooted in kindness and respect, as we expect all our members to respect one another. Please, extend such courtesy to all 2busy2mingle staff.
Catfishing is a deceptive activity in which a person creates a fictional persona or fake identity on a social networking service, usually targeting a specific victim. The practice is used for financial gain, to compromise a victim in some ways, or to upset a victim.
At 2busy2mingle, we will continuously work to make the way people meet more secure irrespective of why they are meeting. Picture Verification protects you from fake users. All members on 2busy2mingle have gone through Picture Verification before registering on our platform. Also, we have a video calling facility on our chat platform. Before you meet anyone, you can do a video call to be sure the person in the picture is the same person on the video call.
Our aim at 2busy2mingle is to provide the safest possible experience for people when connecting through our platform. Our Picture and Video Verification Technology is a promise that whomever you are talking to is who they say they are.